Invoice Management

Invoice management helps in processing and managing customer invoice data and billing documentation from different vendors. Proper billing services are a critical part of energy supply management. METCO’s unique invoice management solutions can easily help minimize cost risks that occur due to lost invoice or incorrect invoice payments.

Need for invoice management

In many organisations, the task of going through utility invoices every month can take large amounts of time. Often, staff with little experience handle this task which results in payed invoices not being in-line with the appropriate historical levels. On a large scale, when handling multiple invoice accounts, the issue of incorrect invoice becomes magnified into a major problem. Often this leads to late payments on invoices, incorrect payments with wrong rate codes, incorrect tax treatments and errors in other billing determinants that may be easily overlooked if not cautious.

METCO’s Invoice
Management Benefits

Our team of experienced industry professionals, managers and analysts will keep your invoices in check for you very effectively. Our Invoice Management solutions offer many benefits including:

Weather normalization

Changes in weather can cause higher usage of energy and other utilities. Weather normalization measures the impact of weather on the total energy consumption for a certain customer. Once a customers energy usage is weather normalized, we are able to make an estimate of the total amount of energy the customer will use over the period of one year, this helps keep invoice payments in check. Using weather normalization of utility billing, we help determine the cost and energy savings of our customers by comparing the amount of energy that would have been used to the amount of energy actually used (for a specific year). We provide complete and comprehensive reports on data received based on various metrics and groups.

Error discovery

We keep a comprehensive and complete process oversight. Our team uses specialized invoice management software which reduce risk of mistakes in billing and make the discovery of incorrect invoices and errors very easy.

Tariff optimization and validation

Billing rate mistakes can cause companies to lose huge sums of money. The correct choice of energy and other utility tariffs can considerably lower operating costs. We help our customers obtain the optimum tariff on energy usage, which offer an effective outcome in terms of lower unit costs and daily fixed charges. Through tariff validation our customers are no longer at risk or paying an incorrect invoice.

Data Warehousing

we offer the services of data warehousing. Our customers have easy access to centralized data storage systems that allow the integration of billing data from multiple applications and sources. Data warehousing makes it easy for the customer to store and retrieve important data, which is critical in making informed business decisions.

Why Choose METCO?

METCO's invoice management solutions acquire energy and utility invoice data automatically so our customers will no longer need to extract or track data manually. Furthermore, our solutions make it easy for customers to have an effectively managed database for each line item including consumption, demand, taxes, customer services charges, meter charges and miscellaneous data. Through our services, separate reports can be generated for each line item which is helpful when calculating cost savings or total project efficiency. Customers also have an ease of access to the complete lifecycle of any invoice, which is tracked by METCO.

Let’s Work Together

We have yet to face an energy problem we couldn’t solve. Get in touch for a free consultation!
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