Renewable Energy Certificates

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are a way to encourage the production and usage of renewable energy by providing subsidy to power generated through renewable sources. Businesses nowadays face constant pressure from consumer and stakeholders to reduce their carbon footprint. RECs purchase allows a company to meet its minimum renewable electricity threshold without having to generate that energy by itself. METCO’s team of experts help our customers to achieve sustainability by crafting better energy sourcing strategies. Ultimately our crew leads you to a cleaner energy portfolio at reduced costs.

What is the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)?

REC is a tradeable non-tangible energy credit. The owner of a REC can claim to have purchased renewable energy and bears the right to request any benefits associated with renewable energy production.

When you purchase RECs, it is guaranteed that renewable energy has been generated and sent to the electrical grid on your behalf. Therefore companies with greenhouse gas emissions over a set threshold may purchase credits from companies whose emissions levels are below the limit. A renewable energy provider is credited with one REC for every 1 MWh of electricity produced. The renewable energy is then pushed into the grid, and the associated REC can subsequently be then sold.

Who Buys Renewable Energy
Certificates (RECs)

Voluntary Buyers

Voluntary buyers are usually environmentally conscious organizations who want to support green and clean energy or have some emission goals they are trying to achieve. Any individual or company who wants to know where their power is coming from may also be voluntary buyers of RECs.

Compliance Buyers

Some organizations are obligated to have a certain percentage of their electrical energy to be generated through renewable resources. RECs, therefore, serve as proof that these organizations are sourcing a particular portion of their energy portfolio through renewable resources. Organizations have the option to generate these RECs themselves through renewable sources or purchase them.

Benefits of RECs

Carbon-Neutral Energy

RECs incentivize businesses to reduce their carbon footprint by providing production subsidy to energy generated through available renewable sources. RECs are therefore considered as a way to stimulate the production and usage of green energy.

Funding for Renewable Energy

RECs help in generating funds for new renewable energy technologies. Profit from RECs helps power companies to spur further innovation in new renewable energy technologies.

Less Dependence on Fossil Fuels

RECs can significantly reduce a company’s dependence on fossil fuels by offering a sustainable green and clean alternative. A company can buy renewable electricity in the form of RECs without investing in power generation, which could be costly.

Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Companies can buy and sell RECs, thus allowing them absolute relaxation in the level of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Therefore, the companies have an incentive to cut down on these emissions to save money.

No Change in Existing Power Contracts

RECs do not have any geographical or technical constraints, allowing companies to obtain more green energy in their portfolio without any change in their existing power contracts.

Why Choose METCO?

METCO’s team of experts will ensure an adequate supply of energy for the smooth operation of your business by guiding you to invest in energy products best suited for your demands.

The team at METCO will guide you on how to invest in RECs to make your energy portfolio green at a reduced cost by determining the amount of energy your business can offset.

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We have yet to face an energy problem we couldn’t solve. Get in touch for a free consultation!
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