
Houston Airport System (HAS) Energy Audit – IAH

Installing Energy Efficiency Systems and Upgrades in IAH
Business: Energy Efficiency
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Houston Airport System (HAS) Energy Audit – HOU

Upgrading Facilities in William P. Hobby Airport (HOU)
Business: ESPC
Industry: State & Municipal Government

City of Dallas Park and Recreation ESPC

Optimizing Energy Performance in one of the biggest Park Systems in U.S
Business: Energy Efficiency
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Advanced Chiller for Children’s Aquarium at Fair Park

Sustaining Life in a Sophisticated Environment
Business: Energy Efficiency
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Cedar Crest Clubhouse Energy Upgrades

Meeting the Industry Standards of Tomorrow
Business: Energy Efficiency
Industry: Commercial

Arlington Hall HVAC Upgrades

Making energy-efficiency upgrades in a historic building
Business: Energy Efficiency
Industry: Commercial

South East Police Station Energy Upgrades

Powering the Workforce with Sustainable Energy
Business: Energy Efficiency
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Jack Evans Police HQ Continuous Commissioning

Providing a sustainable future to the Police Force
Business: Profitable Financing Options
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Dallas Police Motorcycle Fuel Island Storage Upgrades

For Cost-effective, Improved Fuel Storage Solutions
Business: Energy Infrastructure
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Hall of State Dehumidification Project

Securing the Future of our History
Business: Energy Infrastructure
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Repairs at James Steele High School

Refurbishing the Educational Institutes for Cost Savings
Business: Energy Efficiency
Industry: K-12 School

Texas Discovery Gardens AHU Installation

Saving the lives of Butterflies through AHU Replacement
Business: Energy Infrastructure
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Kiest Recreation Center Energy Upgrades

Making Dallas Parks Eco Friendlier
Business: Renewable Energy
Industry: Commercial

South Central Police Station HVAC Upgrades

Repiping the Dallas Patrol Division
Business: Energy Infrastructure
Industry: State & Municipal Government

Engineering Services for Bachman Recreation Centre

Upgrading to a Sustainable Lifestyle
Business: Engineering
Industry: Commercial