Design-bid-build services
What is Design Bid Build?
Design-bid-build (DBB) is the most basic and commonly used traditional project delivery method in which the customer hires separate contractors for the design and construction of a project. DBB is also sometimes referred to as Design-tender. On DBB projects a customer’s preferred choice of architect completes the design documentation, then the customer searches for bids from contractors to perform constructional work. The customer is responsible for bearing all the risks in these types of projects as this method is not collaborative, so there is no contact between the designing party and the construction contractors. DBB projects are mostly employed where low construction costs are required as a bidding competition takes place for the selection of a construction contractor.
Design-bid-build process
METCO’s DBB service has three sequential phases that do not overlap, this means no phase can be started without the completion of the previous phase.

Benefits of Design-bid-build

Costs are decreased as these projects depend on bidding competitions for constructional contracts. The contractor with the lowest bid for construction is selected which considerably reduces total project costs.

Improved quality and
efficiency of work
Having several contractors and architect options to choose from improves the efficiency and quality of the DBB projects, as each contractor and architect develops plans to the best of their abilities due to competition.

afeguards Interests of
Owner and Bidders
Costs are decreased as these projects depend on bidding competitions for constructional contracts. The contractor with the lowest bid for construction is selected which considerably reduces total project costs.

Competition Promotes
Bidding allows both architects and contractors to showcase their expertise improving efficiency and quality of work for the business owners.
The METCO Advantage
METCOs complete focus is on a customer centered approach to sustainability, meaning our team always looks out for the interests of the owner. Such an approach allows us to help our customers in cutting down operation and maintenance related costs by enabling them to choose contractors after comparative analysis.
With almost 15 years of experience, METCO’s team of certified professionals offers unparalleled design and construction services to its prestigious customers. Our motive is to keep our customers happy, thereby going extra miles to provide the most effective facilities in all of our areas of service.
METCO always ensures asset integrity and guarantees calculated business decisions based on market forecasts and has become a leading firm in providing experienced architects, designers, and builders.