Research and Development

We are revolutionizing energy savings with groundbreaking upgrades and installations. Our cutting-edge solar PV systems tap into renewable energy, slashing the need for fossil fuels. We're setting new standards with innovative LED lighting upgrades that drastically reduce energy consumption. Our state-of-the-art HVAC installations optimize efficiency and ensure significant energy savings. Additionally, our exploration into resilient energy microgrids guarantees sustainable and reliable power solutions. Through these pioneering efforts, METCO is lighting the way to a greener, more sustainable future.

We use a variety of innovative technologies to boost energy efficiency and sustainability:

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

BIM gives a detailed digital view of a building's design, making it easier for architects, engineers, and builders to work together. This leads to smoother construction, lower costs, and better results.

Fuel Cells

METCO Engineering Inc. leads in fuel cell technology, offering sustainable energy solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel reliance. Fuel cells generate electricity from hydrogen and oxygen, producing only water and heat. We install systems for commercial, industrial, and residential use, providing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional power sources.

Microsoft Power BI

This powerful tool turns data into insights, helping us track project performance and make smart decisions. It combines data from various sources into clear reports, allowing us to spot trends and solve problems quickly.

Trane Trace 3D

This advanced software lets us model HVAC systems in detail, ensuring buildings stay comfortable and energy-efficient. It helps us predict how these systems will perform and fix potential issues before they occur.

Energy Plus

Paired with Revit and Trace, Energy Plus lets us simulate building energy use. It analyzes materials, HVAC systems, lighting, and occupancy patterns to optimize building performance and meet energy standards.

Insight 360

This tool helps us do deep dives into building performance. It allows us to optimize energy use, reduce environmental impact, and ensure occupant comfort while meeting energy regulations.

Green Building Studio

This software performs thorough energy analyses and simulations, guiding us to make better design decisions. It helps us create buildings that are both high-performing and sustainable.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Autodesk CFD helps us study how air and heat move through buildings. It lets us optimize ventilation and HVAC designs to ensure efficiency and comfort.

Custom Database Analysis

Using Microsoft Access and Azure, we efficiently manage and analyze large amounts of project data. This makes it easier to make informed decisions, identify trends, and improve project workflows.

Through these technologies, METCO Engineering Inc. is leading the way in creating energy-efficient, sustainable solutions.