What is Combined Heat Power?
As per a recent report by U.S. Energy Information Administration, the total energy consumption in the U. S. by the year 2017, was 97.7 quadrillion Btu whereas the production was equal to 87.5 quadrillion Btu. The difference in consumption and production of energy leads to imports of fuel to meet the energy demands making it quite an expensive deal. The country needs reliable and cost-effective solutions to meet the exceeding demands of energy.
Combined Heat Power system is one of the most popular and efficient energy generation alternatives. The process is also known as cogeneration in which electricity and thermal power is simultaneously produced through the combustion of fuel or solar heat collector. The conventional method includes a separate boiler and plant system to generate heat and energy giving only 45% efficiency whereas the CHP offers efficiency as high as 80%.
How do METCO CHP plants help?
METCO uses renewable and non-renewable, yet environmental-friendly methods, for flexible and budget-friendly energy production. The company has set up Combined Heat Power Plants for various sectors including urban centers and educational institutes.
A complex mechanism of fuel input, heat consumers, boilers and buffer work in cohesion to generate on-demand, uninterrupted energy. Through dedicated services and innovative technology meticulous engineering, METCO ensures the client gets all the required facilities for installation and management of the Power Plant.

Energy efficient
A single CHP set up can save up to 40% of energy thus permanently reducing the overall energy cost

Environmental-friendly alternative:
The process minimizes the emission of CO2 and SO2 for a safe and healthy environment.

Viable Solution
CHP system can be operated on a wide variety of fuels including biomass and biogas, natural gas and petroleum-based fuels.

Profitable Resource
Excess heat can be used to regulate temperature or boil liquid fuels and can even re-generate electricity